Project Market

During the event you can visit the project market, where you can engage with our researchers and get a taste of the intriguing projects we are currently running. Please find a preview of what you can expect …

  • The smart toilet (UriSens):
    First prototype of a smart toilet, that monitors the volume and the color of the urine, when using the toilet. When used in senior homes, this information provides invaluable information on the hydration status of a person. Early detection of the onset of dehydration, allows the nursing personel to shiftly act and prevent full dehydration, and possibly hospitalization.
  • Automatic chip alignment (AutoCue):
    Optical chips with integrated photonic circuits are able to sense extremely low concentrations of biomarkers in for example blood. For this to be used in practice, an automatic alignment system for the chip with respect to the reader device needs to developed. A prototype of this device is realized and will be demonstrated.
  • Heart cells on chip (NWA CIRCULAR):
    Living heart cells (cardiomyocytes) are grown and cultivated in a small micrometer-sized channel, which enables research into identifying which compounds, such as drugs, pesticides or other chemical compounds lead to atrial fibrillation.
  • Counting micro- and nanoparticles one-by-one (MNP-sizer):
    A small handheld device has been developed and realized that is able to determine the size of individual micro- and nanoparticles one-by-one in real-time.
  • Detection of ‘smells’ (NWA OBSeRVeD):
    Different nano- and microtechnologies are studied, developed and tested to detect small concentrations of gasses (socalled VOCs) in poultry farms to detect diseases at a very early stage, and so prevent massive outbreaks of infectious diseases.
  • Bio-inspired functional nanostructures:
    Different examples of interesting nanostructured surfaces found in nature with amazing properties, that we would like to mimick for other applications.
  • Sustainable biobased wall panels (CelluPanel):
    Development of foams to be used in construction materials based on cellulose, one of the most abundant material found in nature, which is biobased, biodegradable and environmentally friendly. First samples will be demonstrated.
  • Societal embedding of technology:
    For achieving the intended impact, next to technological development, other aspects, such as ethics, perception, legal, business and the like need to be considered.
  • Molecular sensing (PhoBioSens, BVDSens)
    Applications of photonic integrated chips in molecular sensing will be demonstrated
  • Menopauze (